


Fairy Land International Preschool & Nursery

Fairy Land is a starting point for a new generation who has pride,principles, values and morals
Consideration and love are the 2 effective tools of raising up children.
Children are divine creations.
Children are the hands by which, we take hold of heaven.
Every child is a treasure to be discovered.
We really care for our children.
Accepting children from 18 months up to 5 years.
Summer School special program.
After school service is available.
Conversation classes for children till 12 years.
Open from 7.30 a.m. till 4 p.m. Extra hours upon request.
Saturdays upon request.
Unique approaches to learning English, Arabic, Ethics and Quran.
Offering three health meals.
Outdoor activities in a spacious garden.
Parenting sessions.
"True me “program, a moral development program. We support every child to gain high self esteem, a skill of self observation, self expression, gratitude to all god gifts, a sense of responsibility and anger management

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