


Saturday, April 4, 2015

Top 10 Best Paying CPC/PPC Ad Networks

For many website owners, bounced traffic (when a visitor enters your site and takes just a single look before leaving) may be generally considered worthless. After all, they didn’t stay long enough to visit the other pages, and therefore they didn’t click on the ads on the site. But the appropriately named Exit Junction allows you to supplement your PPC advertising income by showing these visitors, ad they can click on so that you earn money. When you have Exit Junction installed, and your visitors click on the back button after seeing the landing page they don’t go straight back to the search engine page results they usually came from. Instead, they are taken to a list of sponsored results based on the keywords they typed. For those who decide to explore, their user experience is unaffected. The review and approval process to enter is very quick, and you don’t need to generate lots of traffic to be accepted. (That’s a relief if you have high bounce rates!) Installation is quite easy, and your income from Exit Junction doesn’t compete at all with the ads from other ad networks featured on your site. Since the visitor has effectively decided to leave your site when they see the ads, you don’t have a say on how the ads appear.

9) PocketCents
It’s a pretty straightforward ad network with fixed rates for PPC. For publishing websites, there’s no sign up or upfront costs, and there’s restrictions regarding page views per month. They earn money from plain-text, hybrid, banner, and video-advertisements. You may need some skills to set up the ads, but after the setup very little effort from you is required for maintenance. Payout is mainly through PayPal, with a $10 minimum payout. For webmasters in the United States, Canada, and in some European countries, there’s a check option as well. The fixed PPC rate scheme for Pocketcents goes like this: the ad network charges 25 cents per click for advertisers, and from that you get 15 cents as a publisher.

Pocketcents Ad Network

While in its early years there were complaints about some snafus regarding the reports, but lately they’ve seem to have made the appropriate improvements about this. The advertising base is also growing rapidly, which ought to give you lots of options.

10) Blogads
With a name like that, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the ad network focuses its efforts on helping blogs maximize their profits through PPC ads. If your blog discusses just about anything under the sun then advertisers may wait until you have at least half a million impressions per month before they start to advertise on your site. But if you focus on a very narrow niche (you’re all about werewolves or Chilean football players) then even 30k impressions per month may suffice. As a publisher, you control your own ad offerings and prices, so the income you generate is all up to you.

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